Charles Bukowski – Acne Problem and Childhood

In this article, we will discuss Charles Bukowski’s problems with acne conglobata. First of all, let’s talk a little about Charles Bukowski. Henry Charles Bukowski was a famous German-American poet and novelist. He is the after of these popular novels – Hollywood, Women, Post Office, Ham on Rye, etc

Bukowski describes his problems with acne conglobata in the Ham on Rye novel. It is an autobiographical novel and Bukowski wrote it in 1982.

His family moved to Los Angeles in 1930(he was born in 1920). The childhood of the writer was far from being happy. In the novel, he tells how his father often insulted and beat him. As a result, he was a withdrawn and uncommunicative child. And in adolescence, acne problems were added to this. In this novel, Bukowski also recounts how his accent was bullied by the children in the neighborhood.

Bukovsky admitted that his unhappy and difficult childhood helped him a lot to become such a popular writer. Despite all the difficulties at a young age, he became an internationally popular writer. His poems and novels are very popular even today – the times of tiktokers and bloggers 🙂

Many interesting quotes can be cited from Bukovsky’s books, but this one is the most popular – “As long as a man had wine and cigarettes he could make it.”. The citation is from the novel Ham on Rye.