Interesting facts about Yevgeny Baratynsky

Hereditary nobleman and the great Russian poet Yevgeny Baratynsky wrote many beautiful works. However, his work remained undervalued by his contemporaries, and real loud fame came to him after many years after his death. Currently, the poetry of Baratynsky is highly appreciated by critics around the world.

Baratynsky owes his surname to Polish roots, the etymology of the surname dates back to the Boranyn castle, which belonged to his family.
From his early youth, Baratynsky perfectly mastered, in addition to Russian, three more languages ​​- German, French and Italian.
The turning point in the fate of the future poet was a prank, because of which he was expelled from the most prestigious educational institution for young noblemen – the Page Corps.
Baratynsky was personally acquainted with A. S. Pushkin.

Already being married, Baratynsky and his family traveled almost all of Europe.
Baratynsky wrote his last work during a voyage to Naples. Soon after his arrival, he died suddenly.
A surprising fact – even at the age of 20, Baratynsky wrote a poem about himself, which said that his life would end in a strange and distant country.

The poet had serious problems with grammar. The only punctuation mark he used when writing was a comma, so all his poems were edited by his friend Anton Delvig.
Baratynsky lived in Finland for 5 years, serving in the army as a non-commissioned officer.
For many years, Baratynsky, because of his opposition ideas, was in favor with the ruling emperor.