Dizin – a ski resort in Iran

A few years ago, the Iranian resort of Dizin flared up, a bright oriental star in the sky of skiing, where, unlike European and American resorts, you can ski and snowboard all year round. Located at an altitude of 3600m above sea level, and taking the fourth place in the world in terms of snow quality for skiing, the resort provides the skier with magnificent slopes of varying difficulty, with a minimum snow layer of 1.5 meters at the foot of the slope and 2.5-3 meters in the beginning of the track.

Even in summer, when the air temperature at this altitude rises above zero, snow does not melt here.

Black, red and blue tracks, with a vertical drop of 850m, as well as super-steep slopes for lovers of aggressive skiing, are in excellent condition all year round and meet international standards. In addition to well-equipped tracks, there are huge virgin lands with excellent snow. Abundant hopping cornices and snow mounds.

The resort has 3 gondola and 6 open lifts, near which there are practically no queues. The influx of Iranian holidaymakers falls on Friday. On this day, waiting in line can be 15 minutes.

Ski pass prices: on weekdays – 120,000 reais – this is something around 12 $ USD, on weekends – Friday – 150,000 reais – about 15 $ USD.

When visiting Iranian Disin, several nuances should be taken into account:

– Registration at local hotels, as well as eviction, occurs at 15-00 local time. Therefore, with the tour operator immediately specify the local time of arrival. Arrange for you to be accommodated at the hotel anytime you arrive.

– Exchange for local currency, Iranian real, is best done at the airport of Tehran, since there is the most favorable rate.

– Immediately upon arrival, get a SIM card from a local tour operator. A passport is not required upon purchase. It works throughout Iran. You can call Russia. A call to Moscow will cost 20 cents.

– Bargain always and everywhere. Do not be shy. In the east, this is a ritual of communication.

– It will not be superfluous to find on the Internet and remember how numbers are written in Farsi. The knowledge of digital symbols facilitates communication with traders and the local population.

Dizin, located 2-2.5 hours drive on a modern highway from Tehran, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran. At the same time, the resort territory is free from Sharia law and Muslim traditions not only for foreign tourists, but also for its compatriots.

There are many local young and unmarried Iranians who ride with their heads uncovered and who do not need to observe the strict Sharia laws.

Iranian men and women ride beautifully both on alpine skiing and snowboarding. At the same time, policemen are present at the resort, making sure that no one openly kisses and does not bully. They provide complete safety for tourists and you can always turn to them for help.

The attitude towards Russian-speaking tourists among the local population is responsive and respectful. Persians, welcoming people, love smiling people and if you give them a good smile, you will be provided with a good attitude and help from them.

In terms of state tourism development, Iran has a long way to go in order to meet international standards, but now some tourist resorts, the most prominent representative of which is Dizin, are already highly appreciated by the world ski community.

For those who want to get in touch with the thousand-year-old history of Ancient Persia and enjoy a modern ski vacation, Iran and its pearl – Disin are waiting.