Interesting facts about the Alps

The majestic Alpine mountains are a real decoration of Europe. Serving as a natural barrier between countries, the Alps gained popularity as an ecological and ski resort, and it’s not for nothing that nature is amazing here, and the views from the height are simply incredible. Of course, there are many mountains in the world, but the Alpine range is perhaps one of the most impressive among them.

About 12 million people live in the Alpine mountains, mainly Italians, French and Austrians.
About 62% of the entire territory of Austria lies in the Alps.
Among all the mountain systems fully located in Europe, the Alps are the highest. The Caucasus Mountains are higher, but they lie not only in Europe, but also in Asia.
The highest point of the Alps is the peak of Mont Blanc, billowing to a height of more than 4.8 kilometers.
In total, the lands of 8 countries of the world lie on the territory of the Alps.
Tourism in the Alps began to flourish only after the end of the Second World War.

About 180 mountains in the Alps have a height of more than 1.2 kilometers, and more than 100 of them reach a height of 4 kilometers.
The grapes in the Alpine mountains grow to a height of 500 meters above sea level.
Among all the mountain ranges of the world, the Alps are one of the most well studied.
There are mountains on the moon, also called the Alps.
In honor of the Alpine mountains, the climatic zone, the type of relief and the type of meadows were named.
Trees in the Alps grow at an altitude of up to 3 kilometers.
Such a popular delicacy, like meringue, was invented in the Alpine city of Mehringen.
The Southern, Australian, and Japanese Alps are found in New Zealand, Australia, and Japan, respectively.
The largest city among those located in the Alpine Mountains is Grenoble, in which more than half a million people live.

Almost 2/3 of the entire Swiss territory is occupied by the Alps.
Alpine lake Como is the deepest in Europe. Its depth reaches 410 meters.
Snow in the Alpine mountains never descends from a height of more than 2.5 kilometers.
The highest waterfall in the Alps is the impressive 282-meter Staubbach.
The Alps are younger than the dinosaurs. They began to form less than 50 million years ago.
Five of the eight countries in the Alps hosted the Winter Olympics.
The Alps were the first mountains that geologists began to investigate in detail. It happened in the 18th century.

In the Alpine mountains there is Pilatusban, the steepest railway in the world. On its separate parts of the train go on a bias of 48 degrees.
Here is the longest ladder in the world, 3.5 kilometers long. It leads to the mountain of Nizen. It has 11,674 steps.
The Alpine mountain range covers more than 10% of all of Europe.
The Dolomites located in Italy were once the ocean floor. However, even Everest was once located under water.
A Gottard railway tunnel, the longest in the world, was laid through the Alps. Its length exceeds 51 km, and it was built for 20 years, spending more than 20 billion euros.