Interesting facts about Chile

The Republic of Chile is one of the most developed countries in Latin America. Here, the Indian and Spanish customs were mixed, creating a culture that was amazing in its distinctiveness. The Latin American color here adjoins the typical European buildings of the Age of Great Geographical Discoveries, and the Indians in the poncho, embroidered with national patterns, complete the picture.

Chile is the most elongated country in the world.

The official language here is Spanish, but in practice in Chile several dozens of Native American languages ​​are spoken. However, in Spanish there is still all or almost all say.

Chileans dislike the Argentines, their neighbors. Once they even gathered to fight, but the Pope flew to South America, to the Andes, where two armies were already ready, ready to start the battle, and prevented bloodshed.

Bureaucracy in Chile is not worse than in Russia. For any case it is necessary to collect not one dozen different pieces of paper from the most diverse state services.

Earthquakes in Chile happen so often that most of them just do not pay attention. The strongest earthquake in the whole history of observations, by the way, also happened here.

Chilean students up to the eighth grade can ride free on any public transport.

The most waterless of dry deserts, Atacama, is located right here.

Entering the house, to take off shoes, like we do, in Chile is not accepted, even if the street is wet and dirty.

The exact history of the origin of the name “Chile” is unknown.

Once a year, on the Motherland Day, on September 18, in Chile, you can officially drink any alcoholic beverages at all anywhere. And even on this day, every house should hang out for public display the state flag, if its owner does not want to pay a fine.

Chileans do not attach importance to where to sit – even in an armchair, even on the floor. Stand and wait for them, probably, laziness, so it’s easier to sit on the asphalt.

About two thirds of Chileans are Catholics. The rest are followers of traditional Indian religions.

The most popular sport in Chile is football. However, rallies and protest actions here are no less popular.

On banknotes, Chileans post portraits not only of presidents, but also of poets. Yes, poetry is really in honor here. And this despite the fact that paper books are very expensive here.

Drawing is an obligatory subject in Chilean schools up to the senior classes.

The Mapuche Indian tribe living in Chile still maintains its independence from everyone, including the Chilean government.

In Chile there are no poisonous snakes. But in the north of the country there are poisonous spiders.

In the south of Chile it is very cold. There are even sea seals and penguins.

The largest observatory in the world is in Chile.

Famous for its mysterious statues, Easter Island is also part of the Republic of Chile. This is the most isolated inhabited place in the world. Local residents earn mainly thanks to tourists.

In Chile, honey is made from the juice of a local palm tree.

The importation of any food in Chile is strictly prohibited.

Here is the most ecologically clean place in the world – the Patagonia region.

The average Chilean family has three or four children.

Chile is considered the safest among Latin American countries. Nevertheless, alone in the city streets after dark, it is better not to go for a walk.