Jade Plant Scientific Name

The scientific name of the Jade plant is Crassula ovata. The Jade Plant is part of the succulent plant family and is easy to care for. They are fairly adaptable to temperature variations. They have woody branches with thick, rubbery, fleshy, oval leaves in a vibrant jade green color sometimes edged in red. The Jade Plant is a slow grower and can reach up to 3 feet in height. In the right conditions, you can even get it to bloom which it does in the winter.

The Jade Plant prefers high temperatures but will tolerate average. Anywhere between 60F and 80F should be fine. Remember all plants need a lower nighttime temperature – about a 10-degree difference is ideal. Low humidity levels are acceptable and even desired by this plant.

Jade Plant Scientific Name - Crassula ovata

As we already mentioned, the Jade plant scientific name is Crassula ovata, but it is also known commonly as the Chinese Rubber Plant, which looks like a miniature tree.

Place in direct sunlight during cold months to achieve the true red edge tint on the leaves. The Jade Plant will do fine in medium light all year long also. You can use fluorescent light if needed.

Allow the soil to become nearly dry and then water thoroughly especially in the spring and summer months as this is its growth cycle. Jade Plants growing in anything other than direct sunlight will need less water. Do not let the soil get soggy as this will result in soft, weak stems and may cause root rot.

Fertilize every two weeks during the spring and summer months. It does not need any fertilizer during the winter months as it is dormant. The Jade Plant, as with all succulents, does well with African Violet food. Make sure you clean the leaves once a month with a damp cloth.