Peperomia Hope and Peperomia Frost Scientific Names
Peperomia species have many common names, all containing the word Peperomia, and each of the many varieties has distinct foliage. In this post, we will check two species – Peperomia Hope and Peperomia Frost – their scientific names, temperature, water, lighting and etc. These are all very easy to grow and maintain making them a perfect indoor plant. Peperomias are semi-succulents; which means the stem and leaves hold water in reserve. So over watering will surely kill it. You can select from leaves that are solid green or variegated, smooth or quilted, shaped oval, round, heart, or long and narrow.
The Peperomia Hope scientific or botanical name is Peperomia rotundifolia. The Peperomia Frost scientific name is Peperomia caperata. Now let’s talk about these plants’ temperature humidity, lighting, water. In short, how to properly care for these plants.
What we can say about Peperomia Hope and Peperomia Frost temperature? The temperature for both these plants is almost the same. The temperature between 55F and 75F is good. This plant is fairly flexible. Do not forget the nighttime rule – 10F lower than daytime.

These plants prefer bright indirect light – which means place it near an east or west-facing window. But Peperomia Hope and Peperomia Frost will tolerate less light. If you notice that the leaves are losing color, move to a brighter spot. Avoid full sun.
Allow soils of Peperomia Hope and Peperomia Frost to become nearly dry between waterings. Sogginess must be avoided at all costs or you may lose your plant overnight.
Fertilize Peperomia Hope and Peperomia Frost every two weeks with diluted, mild houseplant fertilizer. Clean the leaves of these plants using the techniques for small plant cleaning.
Peperomias are great indoor plants for a tabletop or a window sill. Just remember not to overwater and it will be around for a good long time.