10 Facts About Dreams: Interesting and Fun Facts

Dream is the communication between our body, mind, and our soul.  Do you know that actually we are always dreaming? But it happens in our subconscious mind, and we can’t feel it. It is difficult for a normal person to fight it, but the desires of our body to sleep and dream are so strong, that it can overcome all kinds of human physical barriers. These Facts About Dreams are so interesting.

10 Facts About Dreams

10 Facts About Dreams: Interesting and Fun Facts

  1. Blind people also dream. A person who was born blind, in his dream, he can’t see anything, but he dreams about sound, touch, and emotion that he feels.
  2. You’ll forget 90% of your dreams. About 5 minutes after you wake up, you’ll soon forget 50% of your dream, and 5 minutes later, you’ll forget 90% of your dream.
  3. Everyone dreams. All people can dream, except in a few cases of serious mental illness, but men and women dream differently, and also in different physical reactions. Men tend to dream about another man, but women tend to be balanced in dreaming, about both men and women.
  4. Disturbance from the outside influences our dreams. Called the “Dream Incorporation” and you must have experienced it. Have you ever dreamed that you felt thirsty, and you drank a cup of water, but you still felt thirsty, and you drank again, and that repeated again and again? That meant that you were feeling thirsty.
  5. When you are dreaming, your body is paralyzed. This thing occurs to prevent your body from moving, and to allow you to follow the plot of your dream. Try to imagine that someone is chasing you, and if your body is not paralyzed, maybe you will start running.
  6. We dream only about what we know. We often dream that we went to a place that we did not know, and we met someone new. Actually, our brain did not just make that up, we had already experienced that, but we can’t remember it again.
  7. The dream is not something that you actually see. Everything that you saw in your dream was actually a symbol of something else. Your brain becomes more creative when you sleep, it can automatically search information from your memory database, and even you yourself are often amazed with your weird dreams. This is why many people are interested in dreams interpretation books.
  8. Not all people’s dreams have color. According to research, 12% of normal people dream in black and white.
  9. When you snore, it means that you are not dreaming.
  10. Babies don’t dream about themselves until they are about 3 years old, from the age of 3 to 8, they tend to have more nightmares than adults. That’s the reason why kids sometimes cry when they wake up.