Interesting facts about Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft was a very nonstandard person. Gloomy, closed, he had little contact with anyone, preferring to live in solitude. His personality definitely left an imprint on his work, gloomy, stingy, and often frightening goosebumps.

Throughout his life, the writer was tormented by the same nightmare dreams, after which he woke up in a half-insane state. He said that once he fell asleep, some night animals with webbed wings caught him and carried him to some kind of “nasty plateau.”
Because of health problems, young Howard was often forced to skip schoolwork. As a result, he never finished school.
The first serious story of the writer, “The Beast in the Cave”, was created by him at the age of 14 for one sleepless night.
One of the reasons for Lovecraft’s sullen temper was constant financial problems.

For most of his life, Lovecraft suffered painfully from inflammation of the kidneys and intestinal cancer.
The name of the writer (Lovecraft) is translated from English as “love craft”.
The uniqueness of the works of Lovecraft forced critics to distinguish them into a separate genre, called “Lovecraft horrors”.

Howard Lovecraft was married, but the marriage did not last long.
The writer’s works formed the basis of many dozens of films, computer and board games.
After the death of Lovecraft, some of his books that were left unfinished were completed by another writer, Augustus Derlett.