Interesting facts about Haruki Murakami.

Among the writers of the 20th century, the talent of Haruki Murakami stands out clearly. He is not like other Japanese writers, for the most part following the traditional trends of Japanese literature, no … On the contrary, he does not hesitate in the pages of his books to pour out his soul and voice his opinion, even knowing that it will not meet with approval.

The future great writer was born on the Japanese island of Kyoto.
Since childhood, the young Haruki was fond of literature, especially foreign, which subsequently left an imprint on his own work.
Prior to the beginning of his literary career, Haruki Murakami owned a jazz bar in Tokyo.
Murakami’s first work, “Listen to the song of the wind,” was published in 1974.
English writer perfectly mastered in his youth.

Murakami wrote in a variety of genres, from fiction and dystopia to children’s fairy tales.
Works Murakami translated into several dozen languages.
In his youth, the writer actively smoked, but got rid of this bad habit at the age of 33 years.
After moving to the US, the writer has released several gourmet photo albums and travel guides.
Since the beginning of his literary career, on average, Haruki Murakami has published one book per year.

The writer is a fan of Apple technology, and prefers to work on a Macintosh computer.
In the works of Murakami, there is a conflict with traditional Japanese values, as a result of which the personality of the writer causes a sharp disapproval of many of his compatriots.
It was Haruki Murakami who translated into Japanese the many works of his favorite writers – Irving, Fitzgerald, Ursula Le Guin, Selinger and others.
One of the hobbies of the Japanese writer is collecting jazz records, which he already has more than 40 thousand.
After living in the United States for many years, eventually Murakami returned to Japan.