10 Facts about Hawk – Interesting and Fun Facts

In this post, we will check 10 facts about hawks. Hawk is well-known for its sharp talons and ability to catch prey even during flight. It is characterized by keen vision, sharply hooked beaks used for tearing and biting flesh, and muscular, stout legs with strong feet. They have their nostrils on the top of their beak. Hawks come in different sizes and forms. Read on to know more interesting and fun facts about hawks – learn about their appearance, ability, behavior, habitat, and more.

10 Facts about Hawk - Interesting and Fun Facts

10 Facts about Hawk

  1. The family of hawk comprises more than 270 varied species.
  2. Hawks are fast fliers. They can fly at the speed of 150mph.
  3. A group of Hawks is called as “cast”, “kettle” or “aerie”.
  4. They can live up to 21 years.
  5. Hawks are found inhabiting in rainforests, marshlands, savannahs, prairies.
  6. Hawks can grow up to 19 inches weighing up to 1490 grams. Female hawks are usually larger than males.
  7. Hawks are carnivores; their main diet includes small reptiles and mammals, insects and other bird specie.
  8. Hawks are usually active and hunt for food during the daytime. Hawks nest and hunt in the same territory each year. Although they may have various nest locations.
  9. Another interesting fact about hawks – they have excellent vision. In fact, they can see 8 times better then human. They can also see colors.
  10. Hawks are enigmatic type of birds which display fascinating acrobatic aerial performance during mating season in spring.

Hope you enjoy these hawks facts!