10 Facts about Ladybugs – Interesting and Fun Facts

In this post, we will check 10 interesting and fun facts about ladybugs. Belongs to the beetle family, Ladybug is a small-sized insect that is also known as a ladybird, lady beetle, etc in other regions. This insect is found inhabiting almost all regions around the world. Ladybugs come in varied colors. They are characterized by small black spots on the cover of their wings and blackhead, legs, and antenna. While some of the species of ladybugs are considered as beneficial in the agricultural aspect as they predate scale insects and aphids, some are considered as pests that destroy crops and agricultural farms.

The above facts about ladybugs are just the basics. Read on to find out more interesting facts about ladybugs – their distinguishing characteristics, habitat, behavior, and more.

10 Facts about Ladybugs - Interesting and Fun Facts

10 Facts about Ladybugs

  1. The size of ladybugs varies depending on the species. It ranges from 1 mm to 10 mm.
  2. Ladybugs are omnivores. Their main diet includes scale insects, mites, aphids, and mealybugs.
  3. Ladybug’s average lifespan is about two to three years.
  4. Wings of ladybug can beat 85 times per second while flying.
  5. In order to scare away their potential predators, ladybugs release substances that taste and smell nasty.
  6. Female ladybugs layover 100 eggs throughout her life.
  7. Ladybugs don’t usually bite unless provoked; however, their bite is not painful.
  8. Ladybug facts: During the winter season, ladybugs don’t eat. They can survive with the help of their stored fat.
  9. If humans use their nose to smell, ladybug uses their feet.
  10. The spot in the ladybug’s wing cover fades as they mature.

Hope you enjoy these 10 facts about ladybugs!