17 interesting facts about weightlessness

Weightlessness is one of the most amazing effects that a person can experience. At least that is exactly what the astronauts who succeeded in claiming. But in order to tolerate weightlessness normally, not only good physical health is required, but also a long, hard training, and not everyone can cope with the feeling of missing weight.

Strongly inconvenient in such conditions to cry. Tears do not roll down, but remain on the eyeballs and burn them.
The astronauts on board the orbital station have to do with rubbing the body with special napkins, since it is impossible to take a shower in a state of weightlessness. At least a suitable shower design has not yet been invented.
Especially for zero gravity, a special shampoo that does not require rinsing, and edible toothpaste have been developed. And the hair on board the ISS has to be cut using special scissors equipped with a container and a vacuum cleaner so that the hairs do not scatter everywhere.
For a split second, the state of zero gravity can also be experienced on Earth. To do this, jump on a trampoline, and that brief moment when you freeze at the top point of the jump is weightlessness.
Cosmonauts in orbit add a couple of centimeters in growth, since gravity does not affect the spine, and it straightens.

The so-called Janibekov effect is an amazing phenomenon that can only be seen in a state of weightlessness. It is expressed in the fact that an object rotating around its axis (for example, a circle, or a pen, or anything else) changes the axis of rotation by 180 degrees at certain intervals.
Weightlessness affects spiders in a rather unusual way – they begin to weave a web in the shape of a ball.
Some chemical elements are much easier to obtain in zero gravity than on Earth. Alas, due to the high cost of delivering goods into orbit, these technologies have still not found industrial application.
Around the astronauts motionless sleeping on board the ISS, carbon dioxide accumulates, and they lack air to breathe. Therefore, before going to bed, they turn on fans that mix the air.
Matches and candles in zero gravity quickly go out, as the air does not mix, and the oxygen around the fire quickly burns out.
If in a state of zero gravity pour any liquid, it will take a spherical shape.
Due to the lack of physical exertion, the muscles in the astronauts state atrophy. To minimize this effect, they use special simulators. But their bones still lose calcium and become fragile.
It is not so easy to take food in a state of zero gravity, because it, due to the lack of gravity, does not fall through the esophagus into the stomach by itself.

Some models of modern fighter jets are able to go out of the dense layers of the earth’s atmosphere to where zero gravity can be experienced. You can order such entertainment for several hundred thousand rubles.
In a state of free fall, a state of weightlessness occurs. This was first confirmed experimentally back in the 19th century by Russian professor Lyubimov.
Astronauts are strictly forbidden to sneeze. Because of this, particles of saliva can scatter everywhere, and from a powerful sneeze in weightlessness you can easily fly to the side and hit something.
They take off their socks with extreme caution. The fact is that usually on the heels there are many loads, and the skin on them coarsens. But in a state of weightlessness, it is smoothed out and becomes tender, and sometimes it begins to peel off. Therefore, careless removal of the sock can lead to the fact that small particles of skin will scatter throughout the space station.