25 interesting facts about Ingushetia

There is such an amazing region in the south of Russia as Ingushetia. This is an amazingly beautiful place, inhabited by proud people who revere their ancient traditions. Guests are always welcome here, but when you come here, you should take care in advance to learn about local customs. Here they attach great importance, but no one wants to accidentally insult the locals, right?

Excessive alcohol consumption is not an honor. It seems to be impossible to see a drunk person on the street in this republic.
Smoking in Ingushetia is also not very popular, and local women, with rare exceptions, completely avoid this bad habit.
It is in the Republic of Ingushetia that the world’s cleanest crude oil is extracted.
There is not a single McDonald’s fast-food restaurant in the whole republic.
Ingushetia has its own code of conduct called Özdel. He is very, very ancient.
In the territory of modern Ingushetia in the XIII-XIV centuries there was a headquarters of the khans of the Golden Horde.
The vast majority of the population of the republic are ethnic Ingush. There are fewer Russians here than in any other subject of the Russian Federation — less than one percent.
At the beginning of the last century, the capital of Ingushetia for several decades was the city of Vladikavkaz.

There are no orphanages, no nursing homes, because neither orphans, nor old people here will never be left without the care and guardianship of relatives.
Most of the local population speaks Ingush. This is an ancient language, however, its written form appeared less than two centuries ago.
Every year on March 1, Ingushetia officially celebrates Djigit Day.
Here is the Thaba-Erdy, the oldest Christian church in the Russian Federation. He is about 11 centuries old.
The capital of Ingushetia is the city of Magas, the youngest, least populated, and most compact capital of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In all of Ingushetia, there are only four cities. But there are also villages with villages.
Ingushetia is located in the heart of the Caucasus. Purely geographically.
Many mountainous regions of the republic are very inaccessible. Any connection with them appeared only at the end of the 20th century.
The local code of conduct prohibits men from even touching their own wife in front of other people.

Religiously, the population of Ingushetia is very homogeneous – about 99% of the local residents are Muslims.
During the Civil War in Russia, Ingushetia was occupied by the White Guards.
The aforementioned city of Magas, the Ingush capital, was specially built for this role.
There are two official languages ​​in Ingushetia – Ingush and Russian.
The self-name of the Ingush people is Khalkhai (Gulgai).
The republic is called Ingushetia because of the name of the people “Ingush”. Moreover, in the bygone days, the Ingush were so called Russians thanks to the village of Angusht.
Occupying about 0.02% of the territory of Russia, Ingushetia is the smallest of all Russian republics.
According to the most conservative estimates, oil reserves in the Ingush bowels are more than 11 million tons.