Interesting facts about Chukotka

The Chukotka Peninsula is one of the most distant parts of Russia from Europe. This land still belongs to more wild nature than people. And precisely in this lies its charm – the northern landscapes here are not at all spoiled by civilization. Looking at everything around, you understand why the indigenous locals in their ancient legends inhabited the spirits of the river and the endless tundra fields – to create a person with such beauty is simply not under power.

To visit Chukotka, a special permit is required not only for foreigners, but also for Russians living outside its borders.
The coast of the Chukchi Peninsula is only four kilometers from Alaska.
Winter in these harsh lands lasts up to 10 months a year.
Most of Chukotka lies at an altitude of over 1 km above sea level.
The entire territory of the peninsula is completely covered by tundra.

Whale hunting is officially allowed to the natives.
There are no forests in Chukotka. There are trees here, but rare and low.
The Chukchi shores are often raging storms, raising waves up to 6-7 meters in height. The reason for this is the encounter in this region of cold waters from the Arctic Ocean and warmer waters from the Pacific.
The most expensive local souvenirs are made of walrus tusks by local craftsmen, who skillfully carve out amazing figures from them.

The self-name of the indigenous people of Chukotka is lyyoravatelan, which translated from their language means “real people”.
One of the local delicacies is whale leather. In general, the meat of these marine animals is up to 40-50% of the diet of the Chukchi, Koryak and Eskimo.
Chukchi Lake Elgygytgyn – the most round on the planet. With a diameter of about 14 km, its age is, according to various estimates, from 3 to 5 million years. Most scientists believe that it was formed when the water filled the impact crater left over from the fall of the meteorite.
Most peoples independently of each other had a decimal number system – according to the number of fingers. And in Chukotka, the 20th one became widespread, as they were also considered toes. In addition to the Chukchi peoples, such a system was found only among the Mayans.
The whole Chukchi land is permafrost.