Northern Lights

The most romantic wonder of nature is the northern lights. At a huge height, shimmering like yellow, red, purple, green rivers, framed by bright stars, a polar glow occurs. The Northern Lights – this is one of the amazing phenomena of our planet, in fact the natural luminescence of the sky, for many millennia, has been disturbing the minds of people. Dancing like a flame, the northern lights simply enchant and are remembered forever.

It is best to watch the northern lights in Lapland, where the sky seems to be transparent, and the wild, wild nature beckons with its riddles. Locals make up legends about this phenomenon.

Some believe that this is how the anger of the gods living in the sky manifests itself, others tell of a cunning fairy-tale fox, which, running through the snowy fields, raises pillars of snow into the sky, painting it with moonlight in unusual shades. Scientists explain everything from a scientific point of view: the interaction of solar wind particles with atoms and molecules of the atmosphere causes their excitement, which looks like the northern lights. Nitrogen gives a purple color, and oxygen – green and red. Lovers of romance can see and enjoy the unique spectacle twice a year: September-October, February-March.

No less surprising phenomenon of nature – Mirages or Fata Morgana. They received their second name due to the ancient sad legend. Beautiful Morgana was rejected by her beloved Lancelot, and settled in a crystal palace at the bottom of the ocean. For resentment and grief, she lured and deceived sailors with various visions.

Science gives other explanations: a change in the properties of superheated air causes light irregularities that most often occur not in deserts, but in seas and oceans, and in places with very low temperatures. However, scientists can not thoroughly study this property of nature, as it does not appear on request. One of the most dangerous and powerful, but breathtaking, phenomenal manifestations of nature are considered fire tornadoes. This is just for lovers of exotic holidays. Many fires, united in one, heat the air and come off the ground, possessing an incredible destructive power. But a bright, colorful and at the same time elegant spectacle attracts not one extreme.

Everything unknown and mysterious attracts and causes mixed emotions and admiration. Bring bright impressions into your life, touch nature, find harmony, experience its pristine beauty!