20 interesting facts about friendship

The feeling of friendship is difficult, if not impossible, to explain – it cannot be controlled, it arises on its own, albeit under the influence of innumerable circumstances. However, scientists have been trying for more than a century to find a rational approach to it and understand where people come from friendly feelings. However, they have not yet achieved significant success in this.

Scientists have found that a person understands the concept of friendship from about nine months.
Psychologists say that surrounded by friends, the world around us looks more attractive, since next to them we feel more confident.
International Friendship Day is celebrated on July 30. It was officially approved in 2011.
Hanging out with friends is good for your health. With frequent communication with people who are pleasant to us, the level of progesterone increases in the body, and this contributes to psychological relaxation and reduces stress levels. The nervous system will thank you.
Researchers at Dartmouth College have proven that extroverts are usually more friends with other extroverts, and introverts are more friendly with other introverts.
According to statistics, people whose parents communicated with a large number of friends and acquaintances in their childhood live longer than those whose parents neglected friendship with other people.
Approximately 90% of all users of social networks claim that friendship can be created only through live communication and only in real meetings.
French scientists have found that even sharks “know how” to make friends: in packs, some individuals stay together all the time, while others are avoided.

In 1966, American psychologist Elliot Aronson formulated the “clumsy effect,” according to which people who are awkward in behavior seem more attractive to others, and therefore it is easier for them to find friends.
The expression “bosom friend”, which means strong friendship today, has very different roots. Initially, this phraseology meant “pour over the Adam’s apple”, that is, to get drunk. That is, in fact, it was a drinking companion.
Having shown the same result in the pole vault at the 1936 Olympics, the Japanese athletes Xuhei Nishida and Sueo Oe did not agree with the decision of the Olympic Committee, and, having cut the silver and bronze medals, they made themselves a bronze-silver medal. Friendship won.
Parting with friends, most people experience longer than parting with family members.
For many years, case studies have identified Australian Sydney as the city with the friendliest residents.
In animals and humans, friendship is associated with social activity, and it depends on the specific position of another individual, as well as on the ability to gather like-minded people around you in conflict situations.

The more educated a person is, the less problems he has with communication. Statistics say that those people who have not received any education other than school, more often than others lack communication with friends.
When the first stage of acquaintance takes place, and relations enter the usual everyday rut, we begin to soberly evaluate our friends: not only the closeness of our interests, but also the ability to come to the rescue and substitute our shoulder. Scientists from Pennsylvania have proved that among our friends, we especially distinguish those who pay more attention and sympathy to us. And it is precisely for the sake of such friends that we, in turn, are ready to make concessions.
“School” friendship rarely lasts longer than a year after graduation. But friends at the university often remain with people for life.
After 25 years, the number of friends usually decreases. People start a family, and begin to devote less time to friendships.
Opposites are not attracted. Especially when it comes to long friendships.
According to another statistic, men are less likely to change friends than women.