How to kiss someone well

I’ve read (well scanned) a lot of articles about how to kiss and actually I think most of those kissing tips are unnecessary and unprecise. Why would anybody search for a guide how to kiss? Because they are nervous, because they want to do “the kiss” right, maybe it’s even their very first kiss. So these are valid reasons to be nervous and to search for a guide.

But – here is the big but – there is only one single advice that will really help you: Let it happen and trust your guts.

Of course things can go wrong and of courst the first kiss is something very special or at least interesting. That’s why so many first kiss stories are out there. But that’s nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. It’s something that will help you grow.

Kissing is all about the right feeling and both people wanting “it”. Could anybody tell you whether your “opponent” wants to kiss you? To be honest, there are only two people in the whole world who do know if you want to kiss each other: The other person (whom you probably don’t want to ask – although that’s something you might want to consider) and yourself. And no kissing guide can change that fact.

Is lip licking a sign that the other person wants to kiss you? Possible. On the other hand he/she could just be nervous and desperate to leave. It’s all about the situation, about body language, gestures and facial expression. Trust your gut and go with your feeling. If it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t.

Should you tilt your head? Should you wet your lips? Should you try to keep your lips as soft as possible? Yes you should. But honestly most of those kissing tips are common sense and I don’t need to tell you that you shouldn’t thrust your tounge in there just for the sake of it.

If you kiss emotion is the key to success. Try not to overthink. Start soft first, wait for the other person to respond, feel the body language and you will be fine. Don’t push yourself, don’t push the other person and no kissing tips will be needed – at all! – especially not those asking you for money.

Yes you know how to kiss it’s in your genes it’s in your nature – trust your guts.