10 Facts About Kissing – Fun and Cool Facts

Everyone in the world expresses their love to their partner by kissing, and kissing itself has a lot of interesting facts that people don’t know. For example, do you know that the average hours of people kissing in their whole life is 336 hours? Almost no one knows about this fact, and if you want to know more about Facts About Kissing, you can read the list of facts below.

Life is beautiful, so love your partner, take care of him and just live beautifully and happily. Almost forgot, kiss more often. So here are the 10 Fun Facts About Kissing:

10 Facts About Kissing

10 Facts About Kissing

  1. The word “kiss” comes from German ‘kussjan’
  2. The word “French kiss” has different names in different parts of the world. In French itself, it is called the “roulant une pelle” or when it is literally translated to English, it means ‘rolling a shovel’. While in India, it is called the “home kiss”.
  3. Kissing is a good exercise. While kissing, 26 calories are burnt every minute. So if you and your partner kiss for one hour, it is more effective than exercising at the gym.
  4. Historical fact about kissing: In the 1500s in Naples, Italy, people kissing in public could get the death penalty.
  5. In 1990, Alfred Wolfram, a guy from Minnesota, United States, became the guy who kissed the most, after he kissed 8001 people in 8 hours.
  6. In 2010, the record of the longest kiss was held by two college students, Matt Daley and Bobby Canciello, they kissed for 33 hours. The worst thing is, they are both guys.
  7. In 2011, the record of the longest kiss was taken over by a couple from Thailand, Akekachai and Raksana Tiranarat, they kissed for 46 hours, 24 minutes, and 9 seconds.
  8. When you are doing a French kiss, you use 34 facial muscles.
  9. Kissing can relieve pain. Research showed that kissing could improve the firmness of the skin, help blood circulation, prevent cavities, and even relieve headaches.
  10. Kissing releases neurotransmitters in the brain, which also happens when you are parachuting, bungee jumping, or running.