25 interesting facts about coronavirus – COVID-19

Found at the end of 2019, the coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease has become a real scourge for all of humanity. Now, in 2020, all countries have concentrated their efforts in the search for a medicine and vaccine for this scourge. But ordinary citizens can also contribute to this struggle by simply observing quarantine and self-isolation measures, fulfilling all the orders of the authorities and not leaving home without unnecessary need.

Its official name is SARS-CoV-2. And the disease that he causes, according to the international classification, is called COVID-19.
There are actually a lot of coronaviruses (about four dozen are now known), since they are a type of ordinary viruses.
There are many genomes of coronavirus, many of which have already been successfully deciphered by scientists.
Doctors in different countries are experimenting with various drugs that already exist and are created to treat other diseases. Some of them may be more or less effective against COVID-19.
The most effective measure to curb the coronavirus epidemic is to comply with local government decrees on self-isolation and quarantine. If people sit at home, the chains of infection break.
One unaccounted patient can manage to infect many hundreds, or even thousands of people, if it is not detected and isolated on time.
A significant number of people suffer the disease caused by the new coronavirus in a mild form, or even without symptoms. The problem is that such an asymptomatic patient himself does not feel bad, and does not even suspect that he is infected, while remaining contagious to others.
Medical masks do not provide absolute protection, especially on the street, where they quickly become clogged with dust. But it’s necessary to use them anyway, since this significantly reduces the risk of spreading the infection.

According to a number of sources, about 80% of those infected with coronavirus carry the disease in a mild form.
Treatment of seriously ill patients can last up to one and a half months, so the statistics of recovered patients can be replenished rather slowly.
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has spread so quickly all over the world for a fairly simple reason. Firstly, it has a rather long incubation period, on average up to 2 weeks, although there are exceptions.
In the Chinese media there was information about the family, which all the time when Wuhan was in quarantine, lived in the same market, which is considered the epicenter of the epidemic in China, and not a single member of this family was infected.
In different countries, there are already patients discharged from hospitals over the age of 100 years who have successfully coped with COVID-19 disease.
Many scientists from different countries have already conducted a study of coronavirus and confirmed that it has a natural origin, and not man-made.

Quadrocopter drones may help humanity in the fight against the epidemic. UAVs can not only monitor the situation on the streets, which is very important during quarantine, but also deliver medicines. Tests of the respective systems in different countries are already underway.
There are many other diseases in the world that are more contagious and more dangerous than COVID-19 caused by coronavirus.
When an epidemic broke out in China, the number of infected doubled approximately every week.
In the DPRK, the coronavirus was “banned” by order of the authorities, as some media reported, that is, it was simply forbidden to talk about it. A similar situation was also reported in Turkmenistan, another closed country.
At the end of the first quarter of 2020, the coronavirus has already spread to all countries of the world. It was found even on such a piece of land remote from any mainland as Easter Island.
Chinese experts reported that the optimal temperature for coronavirus is a range of up to 5 to 8 degrees Celsius combined with low humidity. But at +70 degrees, he, as scientists in Hong Kong have established, dies in just 5 minutes.

As you know, viruses need host organisms, but they can survive for some time beyond. Coronavirus, for example, is able to hold out on some types of surfaces for up to 3 days, or even more.
Approximately 4 out of 5 of those infected recover by themselves, without any specific treatment.
Chlorine dioxide, that is, well-known bleach, reliably disinfects surfaces, destroying the coronavirus.
Chinese scientists have found that the new coronavirus is similar to the SARS-CoV virus (the same that caused an outbreak of SARS in China in 2002) by no less than 70%.
The epidemic had a positive impact on the global ecology, as the number of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and the oceans decreased sharply. But experts believe that after its completion, the consequences may be unfavorable, as all countries with a vengeance will begin to rebuild the affected economy.
Actual information about coronavirus, its symptoms and methods for countering the epidemic is available on the official website of stopcoronavirus.ru. Stay home and be safe!