Hippocratic Oath

Nowadays, when the Internet is simply full of all kinds of information on the symptoms, diagnosis, and tips for treating a particular type of disease, I – deciding to start my own little blog, could not calculate otherwise that the first post should be exactly the one about the Hippocratic oath. After all, future doctors graduating from a medical university give precisely her – an oath. Promising to serve, to be useful, and most importantly, not to harm.

Further, the full version of the Hippocratic oath itself in Russian and in its modern version, the text of the oath of a doctor of the Russian Federation.

Hippocratic Oath

I swear by Apollo a doctor, Asclepius, Hygia and Panakea and all the gods and goddesses, taking them as witnesses, to honestly, according to my powers and my mind, take the following oath and written commitment: to consider who taught me the art of medicine on an equal basis with my parents, to share with him my wealth and, if necessary, help him in his needs; consider his offspring to be his brothers, and this is art, if they want to study him, teach them for free and without any contract; to teach instructions, oral lessons and everything else in the doctrine to his sons, the sons of his teacher and students, bound by an obligation and an oath under medical law, but to no one else.

I will direct the regimen of patients to their benefit in accordance with my strength and my mind, refraining from doing any harm and injustice. I will not give anyone the lethal remedy I am asking for and show the way for such a plan; likewise, I will not hand any woman an abortive pessary. I will spend my life and my art purely and immaculately. In no case will I make sections for those suffering from stone disease, leaving this to the people involved in this matter.

No matter what house I enter, I will enter there for the good of the patient, being far from everything that was intentional, unrighteous and destructive, especially from love affairs with women and men, free and slaves. So that during treatment, as well as without treatment, I neither see or hear about human life from what should never be disclosed, I will keep silent about considering such things a secret. I, indestructibly fulfilling the oath, may I be given happiness in life and in art and glory among all people for eternal times; He who transgresses and gives a false oath, let the opposite be true.

Nowadays, the “oath of the doctor of the Soviet Union”, approved in 1971, was replaced by the new version of the “Oath of the Doctor” adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 1999, which is given by graduates of medical schools upon receipt of a diploma.