Facts about Spiders – 10 interesting and Fun Facts

In this post, we will check 10 interesting facts about spiders. Not all people like Spiders. The mere sight of spiders crawling in their house ceiling is enough to make them feel uncomfortable. The first thing they want to do is to shoo this itsy bitsy creature away. Here are smattering fun and interesting facts about spiders that may change your feeling towards spiders.

 Facts about Spiders - 10 interesting and Fun Facts

10 Facts about Spiders

  1. Spiders can grow up to 90 mm weighing up to 3 grams. They can live up to 2 years.
  2. Spiders can be found inhabiting in all regions in the world except in Antarctica.
  3. “Troop” is a term used to define a group of spiders. There are about approximately 40,000 species of spider worldwide.
  4. Amongst all arthropods, Spider has the most consolidated nervous system.
  5. Spiders hardly live beyond 2 years as male spiders thrive for only few days after mating.
  6. While some spiders are carnivores, some spider species slurp flower nectars. They are known as nocturnal spiders.
  7. Young spiders use their characteristics of being small and almost invisible in the air to protect themselves against potential predators.
  8. Spider webs come in different shape, sizes and thickness. They can be used in making silk and threads.
  9. Spiders have no jaws. In order to digest their food, they flood it with digestive enzymes and grind them with the bases of their pedipalps.
  10. Spiders don’t usually attack human unless they are provoked. And their bite is not always venomous.

Hope you enjoy these interesting and fun facts about spiders.