Glass of wine a day – is it beneficial for our health?

In this article, we will find out is it beneficial for our health to drink a glass of wine a day. Let’s find out which fruits can we use to extract wine? We can use all those fruits that bear sugar, because sugar present in fruits can ferment and become alcohol. After some time it mixes with a rich flavor of fruits and deliver us an addicting taste. However, it is red wine that is considered the world’s favorite wine because of its smooth taste and quality. In this article we are going to answer a famous and frequently asked question – Is a glass of red wine a day beneficial for our health?

Glass of wine a day – is it beneficial for our health?

Fermentation of red wine delivers a sweet but a bit sour tasting mixture of fruits essence and alcohol. I hope you heard about yeast. They are those wonderful microorganisms, which convert fruits into wine. They belong to fungi family. In an average glass filled with red wine, there will be millions of yeast, rich in vitamins and proteins. Let us check how a glass of wine might keep us healthy.


Red wine contains some amount of alcohol, which improves cellular metabolism, that in turn enhances digestion and absorption of food. Have you ever felt hungry after drinking a glass of wine? As our cellular metabolism increases, our body requires instant energy to maintain the flow. It stimulates our digestive juices and makes us feel hungry. Drinking a glass of red wine daily relieves anorexia (absence of hunger) and improves digestion and absorption.


Do you know the physiology of aging? Aging occurs because of reduced cell regeneration. Chromosomes have vital role in cell division and a group of nucleotides called telomeres protect them. After each cell division, telomeres undergo wear and tear and delay cell division. Free radicals exacerbate wear and tear process. Free radicals refer to free electrons produced during normal oxidation process in our cells. These free electrons react with telomeres and damage them. Hope you got the
reason behind aging.

Red wine contains antioxidants, which prevents the production of free radicals and protect telomeres from wear and tear process. A glass of red wine once a day will reduce the rate of aging and keep us healthy.

Happy hormone

Various hormones produced in our body control our emotions. The emotions we feel are byproducts of complex biochemical reactions that occur in our body. When we experience unfavorable conditions, our brain produces secrets hormones like melatonin and cortisol in order to withdraw from that situation. The reactions to these hormones will make us feel sad or depressed. When conditions become favorable, a hormone called dopamine is mixed in blood stream and makes us feel happy. Red wine stimulates the production of dopamine and suppresses the secretion of cortisol and melatonin. Hope you got the secret factor that makes you happy while drinking wine. However, it is all about drinking a single glass of wine.

Blood circulation

Is there any relation between blood circulation, temperature, and red wine? Let us find the answer for this question. When the atmospheric temperature decreases, our blood vessels constrict and increase circulation. When blood vessels become narrow, the friction between the flowing blood and blood vessels increases and produces heat. In this way, our body regulates its normal temperature in cold climates. Therefore, in hot climate we require to dilate our blood vessels to decrease the friction between blood and blood vessels in order to reduce our body heat. Red wine improves cell metabolism, causes vasodilatation (dilation of blood vessels), and reduces the body temperature.

When you drink your glass of red wine, always remember to do it in the night time. Its initial neurostimulation property stimulates sex organs and this neurostimulation is followed by a temporary neuro suppression that will induce a sound sleep.