How to Become a Vampire in Real Life

First of you all you need to ask yourself why you want to know how to become a vampire in real life.

Becoming a vampire …

Becoming a vampire means sharing all their benefits and drawbacks. But what are those anyways?

Vampires can only live at night, they have to drink blood to survive and otherwise vampires are immortal. Although there are many different kinds of vampires described in books those facts seem to be the most common attributes used to distinguish a vampire from a mere human.


Living only at night might sound not so bad at first. But have you ever felt the warmth of the first shafts of sunlight in spring, when they brush your skin and make you feel all alive and warm and happy? This will never ever happen again, if you want to become a vampire.


Drinking blood obviously means either to kill or at least to harm human beings. Would you really want to do that? If so you might consider visiting a martial arts school where you can do so without the sacrifices that come with being a vampire.


For being immortal – which might sound great at first – do you really want to live forever? Because after only about one hundred years everyone you’ve ever known will be dead, friends and family as well. And even if you do get to know new people they will die rather sooner than later.

In fact it might be you ending their life. That is if anyone is ever going to be a real friend again because of the very nature of your own being. Most people would be afraid to be in the same room as a real vampire – somebody they know to be a preditor and the rest – well, they most likely are going to try to make you transform them. Hence they’d say and do anything to make you believe they like you although they most likely don’t. And you can’t be friend with somebody being dishonest, can you? In the end you will be very, very lonely either way.

Since your “life” goes on and on it won’t take you long to have done just about anything (that can be done at night that is). Which means your existence will be very, very boring very fast. And although having all the time in the world might seem to solve all your problems at once, it will only drag them on forever and ever.

How Do I Become A Vampire?

Hence, do you really want to become a blood sucking, bored, lonely animal?

If your answer is yes the odds are very small to succeed on your journy becoming a real vampire. First of all you have to find a real vampire which alone is highly unlikely since even if vampires do exist they are obviously very good at hiding. Hence, if you do find someone saying that she is a vampire, chances are she is a fraud.

And if you really do find a real vampire you have to convince him to transform you rather than killing you or just taking a little bite (which brings us back to the friend-finding-problem described above). Which is very hard to accomplish because most likely the only reason you get to know a real vampire is because she is hungry and as stories go there is almost nothing that can stop a hungry vampire from killing his prey.

Some people claim to know spells to become a vampire but honestly if anybody would know those he wouldn’t give them away. Either he is a vampire himself then he probably wouldn’t want other predators around to share his pray (and even if he would why choose you over all the other available candidates?) or she is no vampire and then she definitely wouldn’t want to make herself a pray.

Hence I highly recommend that you do not try to become a real vampire and just choose the convenient other option, which means to become a vampire, because you want to be cool.

If that’s what you want, becoming a vampire is far more easy and way more pleasant. Just go ahead and dress all black. Listen to black or heavy metal or classical music. Never watch TV. Eat a lot of meat especialy close to raw beef. Buy some musk and wear a discrete amount of it every day. Use crisp black eyeliner even if you are a guy. Stay indoors most of the time for a pale look. Cover your windows with heavy black satin curtains. Wear contact lenses preferably in red or yellow. If you really want to go for it wear false fangs as well but be aware that people will tend to consider you as wacko rather than cool.

How to become a vampire is very easy if you just want to be cool and benefit from all the glamour associated with vampires without suffering from the drawbacks.