Kea Parrot

The Kea or Nestor is the most mischievous of all parrots on earth. This is a real bully with wings living in New Zealand.

A bird the size of up to half a meter and weighing about one kilogram can destroy a car that he didn’t like in a few minutes, break the tent, break off the wipers and mirrors and put deep autographs on the hood.

Kea is the only predator of all parrots. A very active and impudent bird, not afraid of animals or humans. Outwardly, kea looks like a falcon or a small eagle with a large head and a predatory beak curved down. It flies beautifully and has outstanding strength for its small size.

A yawning sheep may lose its lamb, which these robbers will tear to pieces. And an adult sheep may well suffer from these predators.

A tourist who left his backpack unattended for a very short time, having returned, runs the risk of seeing his belongings scattered on the ground in indecent form.

Tamed Kea can be kept at home, they are also often used in a circus, where they show complex acrobatic numbers.