Luxury mountain parrot

Luxurious mountain parrots come from Australia. These bright, beautiful birds over the years developed as two subspecies.

Some chose the southeastern part of the green continent, and others its western part. In the wild, these birds practically do not contact.

Luxurious mountain parrots are a great option for keeping at home. These are very sociable and capable birds, easily mastering both colloquial human speech, and all kinds of acrobatic tricks.

There are two subspecies of these parrots living in different regions: southeastern and western. Outwardly, they hardly differ, but the difference between males and females is immediately noticeable. Females are green-olive in color, the tail is dark green, the head and abdomen are lighter than the body, the beak is light red. In males, the abdomen is yellow-green, the head is olive-colored, the wings are blue-black and have a red stripe, the beak is scarlet.

Eastern parrots live far from people, usually in a fairly open area where low shrubs prevail, but there are always reservoirs: savannas, steppes and mountains.

The western species of luxury mountain parrots has adapted to live nearby with people. They earn food on farmland, often raiding farms.

Habitats are mountainous areas, but are also found on the plain in forests. They are very mobile and resilient, they fly very well and can fly long distances. Easily tamed and amenable to training. This photo album contains photos of magnificent mountain parrots in various places of their habitat.