Kailash, Tibet

In Tibet, near the Nepalese border, there is the majestic Kailash ridge, the Gangdisi mountain system and its main peak, bearing the same name among Europeans – the mysterious Kailash mountain.

Among scholars, it is believed that Kailash was hidden under water for a long time, but then rose outside, and the water began to wash it, giving it such an amazing shape, but there is one fact that turns all their reasoning to dust.

Due to its unique shape, Kailash is facing all four cardinal points at the same time! Therefore, there is an opinion that Kailash is a pyramid that was erected by ancient people many years ago. But no one knows for what purpose. And the smaller mountains adjacent to it are exactly the same pyramids – it turns out that this is a whole mountain system of a form that strikes the imagination.

On the south side of the mountain there is a vertical crack that intersects with a horizontal crack. At a certain time of the day they form a huge swastika – a symbol of the God of the Sun, life and light. This makes one doubt that Mount Kailash is a creation of nature alone.

Much about the mountain can be gleaned from the ancient scriptures of Tibet. They tell that the mountain among the peoples inhabiting its surroundings is considered sacred. And also that the Himalayas is the abode of the gods, and in the shroud of fog surrounding Kailash, one can notice Shiva – a multi-armed Indian deity! They say he shows himself in bright flashes of unknown origin. Therefore, the mountain is a favorite place for lovers of meditation practices. They really look incredibly spiritualized: eyes filled with love for the whole world, comprehensive happiness. And indeed, to leave this place, if at least once been there, will never want to.

The height of Kailash is six thousand six hundred sixty six meters! And this is not all – it is exactly the same distance removed from the well-known Stonehenge! From the North Pole – too.

Another strange fact: near the mountain there are two lakes that are shared by only one thin strip of land. But, the water in one lake is salty, and in the other – fresh.

In the vicinity of Kailash, according to popular belief, even time is accelerating, since the mountain is an incredible place. It is striking that near the mountain you can find many stone structures, sanded by sand and wind to a mirror state. A certain time machine was invented, which is a mirror in which a person can be. It is believed that such an invention creates the effect that time begins to go faster for the person who is in it. The result is staggering: people have acquired the ability to telepathy. Once, the subject was asked to convey to everyone else something about the ancient tablets of Stonehenge. In the end, he not only coped with the task – although he had not been there before, but also added such tablets that it was completely impossible to invent. And what does Kailash have to do with it, you ask? This is the same mirror system. Therefore, all the strange things happening there can be explained by this fact.

The man who managed to conquer this mountain has not yet been found. For various reasons, climbers have never been able to do this. They will change the route, then generally all plans will be destroyed in an instant. If you believe the Tibetan traditions, then if you touch Kailash, you will get many incurable wounds on the skin. Perhaps, inside the cave on top, deities are really sitting, waiting in the wings in order to reveal themselves to the world when they are awakened.

None of the mortals ascend the mountain of the gods.

No matter how interesting it is to us, what does this mysterious mountain hide, maybe we should not disturb it? You never know what secrets can still be revealed to mankind.