Peace Lily Scientific Name
Peace Lily’s scientific name is Spathiphyllum. The potted Peace Lily, also known as Spath or Phyllum is a great, easy-to-grow flowering plant.
Most varieties of this plant grow to about 1 1/2 to 2 feet tall with extremely large species towering up to 6 feet. The Peace Lily is known for cleaning indoor air of carbon monoxide and other pollutants like formaldehyde. This plant usually blooms in the summer but some varieties may give you occasional blooms all year long.

A little about the temperature, humidity, and lighting of the Peace Lily. The Peace Lily only requires average room temperatures of 65-75F all year long. Also, it will grow just fine with just average humidity. The Peace Lily is very forgiving and will tolerate low light. Ideally and for best growth, provide it with low to medium light during the cold months and medium to bright light during the warmers months.
As we already mentioned, the scientific or botanical name for the peace lily is spathiphyllum, and it is a very beautiful flower.
Let’s talk about the watering of the Peace Lily. Keep soil slightly moist and don’t allow it to dry out. Make sure to use warm/room temperature water only and do not overwater.
Fertilize Peace Lily once a month during spring, summer, and fall using diluted fertilizer. In winter, feeding this plant once every 6 weeks should be sufficient. When the blossoms turn green cut off the flowering stems. The potted Peace Lily is just a great indoor house plant which with minimal care will give you beautiful flowers in early summer and come back again every summer.