Top 7 Tea Loving Countries In The World

This drink, which came to us from Asia, has gained widespread popularity throughout the world. So where do most drink tea? Statistics are usually compiled based on tea consumption in kilograms per capita. It would be incorrect to count in cups, considering that the “cup” is a very vague criterion. Moreover, in the East, for example, tea is often drunk from a bowl.
To begin with, we note that the first places in the production of tea leaves are held by China, India and Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylon. Familiar name, yes? But in these countries, tea consumes not so much. Why? It’s simple. In India and Sri Lanka, the general population is very poor, and many simply don’t have enough money for good tea. And in China, mainly noble green tea is popular, which can and should be brewed several times, and the Chinese tea traditions have the economical use of leaves.

Turkey. Judging by the fact that there are almost 7 kg of tea per person per year, many Turks drink it from morning to night. It is quite likely that this is the case.

Morocco. Here the numbers are also impressive – more than 4.3 kg per person per year. Moreover, Moroccans prefer to drink strong sweet tea with refreshing mint.

Ireland holds the honorable third place among all countries in terms of tea consumption, while statistics say that the average Irishman consumes about 3.2 kg of tea per year.

Mauritania. In terms of consumption goes nose to nose with Ireland, yielding to it only by a fraction of a percent. At the same time, the locals drink tea in a very original way – they brew a strong sweet drink, and then pour it from one kettle to another many, many times, seeking the appearance of a thick foam.

Great Britain. Of course, this is the birthplace of the famous English tea parties, but still this country ranks fifth in the world rankings, with indicators of about 2.7 kg per person per year.

Seychelles. On these paradise islands a year, there is a little more than 2 kg of tea per person, and the Seychellois prefer local varieties that grow well in a humid and hot climate.

UAE. In the Emirates, tea is also drunk by all who feel like it, and over the course of a year, most residents consume about 1.9 kg. The queues in front of tea houses are not rare here.