What is laser coding for alcoholism ?

Today, the Internet is widely spread advertising “a new revolutionary method” to combat various addictions, including alcohol, narcotic and nicotine. The so-called laser coding from alcoholism or from other bad habits is positioned as a reliable means to overcome our own weaknesses. But is it?

What is coding in general? In fact, this is a method of psychological suggestion, when the patient, with the help of a doctor, convinces himself that if he “breaks”, he will be very, very bad. This method, so popular in the ex-USSR countries and completely not practiced in other countries, is based on the placebo effect, or, more simply, self-hypnosis. In other countries, coding is recognized as unethical and ineffective, although in Russia some doctors agree that sometimes the method works.

And laser coding from alcoholism is all the same old good method, where “laser exposure to biologically active points on the skin” serves only to achieve a greater psychological effect on the patient. The method, so to speak, is progressing – the doctors used to convince the patients of coding efficiency before, and now they use lasers for this.

Nevertheless, laser coding from the scientific point of view is no different from the usual one, the difference is only in the degree of psychological impact on the person undergoing this procedure. Official science does not recognize coding and denies its effectiveness, while at the same time agreeing that the patient’s psyche can be harmed. So, if someone needs help to fight their own dependence, it is better to go to a clinic using methods approved for medical science.