10 Facts About Snoring – Interesting and Fun Facts

Do you snore? If you do, These 10 Facts About Snoring may help you. Snoring is caused by the vibration in the respiratory system and the vibration creates sound. It is due to the obstructed air movement when breathing while sleeping. Snoring happens to both male and female. Animals do occasionally snore as well. Snoring causes many health issues to people, such as, enlarged tonsils, obstruction in the nasal passageway, weaken the throat, and many other health issues. These 10 Facts About Snoring listed below will help you to know more about snoring.

10 Facts About Snoring

10 Facts About Snoring - Interesting and Fun Facts

  1. One out of five people in the world does snore. It is estimated that more than one billion people around the world snore when they sleep due to various reasons.
  2. Men snore more than women, and the ratio comparison is 80% of male and 20% of female. The reasons for is because when men are overweight, their fat build up at their chest and neck, so it narrows the respiratory system. For women, the excess weights normally build up at their hips. People with neck circumference of 40cm or more tend to snore when they sleep.
  3. Inflammation of tonsils causes children to snore. One of the characteristics of children with inflammation tonsils is snoring when they sleep.
  4. Sleeping position does effect snoring. When you sleep on your back, you tend to snore more than when you sleep on your side.
  5. Being overweight does cause snoring. Being overweight is very common among people who snore. This is because the fat is formed around the throat that can constrict the respiratory system. Abdominal fat also has role in snoring, it causes the diaphragm to function irregularly.
  6. Sleeping pills and sedatives can increase the chance of snoring. These drugs make the muscle to relax and hence increase the chance to snore.
  7. At the age of 50, women start to snore as much as men due to the aging process. Women start to lose muscle and fat around their throat. Their tongue and larynx may also shrink. These changes can narrow the respiratory system and increase the chance of snoring. Only 5% of women snore in their 30s, but at the age of 50, the number can reach 40%.
  8. Snoring may be caused by disease. Snoring can be a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). It’s a common and yet potentially serious sleeping disorder that causes the breathing to continuously stopping. Usually people with OSA often wake up during the night because of the lack of oxygen, but usually they don’t remember it. OSA is very serious for health, because it makes people to suffer from the lack of sleep, lack of oxygen, depression, and also the increase in the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  9. The intensity of snoring can reach 90 decibels, and it equals to the sound produced by a moving car on the highway.
  10. Smoking does cause snoring. Cigarette smoke can infect the throat tissues and makes them to swell. This narrows the respiratory system and makes people to snore.