How did basketball originate?

American James Naismith at school age, like other children, loved the game “Duck on the stone.” Students threw a small stone to get to the top of a huge stone. Then James had an idea that he realized in many years.

In 1891, James worked as a teacher in a Christian college. Young people were bored to do gymnastics in physical education classes, and the teacher offered the game. He divided the students into teams of nine. Baskets from peaches tied to the balcony of the gym, and it was necessary to throw the ball into the basket of rivals.

Jump fun, so the team game has become popular. It only resembled basketball: the players did not drive the ball, but moved each other, standing still. After a successful throw, one of the students climbed the stairs and pulled the ball out of the basket. A year later in another college for the first time developed rules for women’s basketball.

The game quickly spread to the US and Canada. Only 7 years after the invention of basketball, an attempt was made to create a professional league. The creator himself played the game, although the Christian college, where everything began, distanced itself from the new sport.