26 interesting facts about peaches

Many different desserts are made from peaches, not to mention the fact that millions of people love to eat these fruits fresh. But what about jams, preserves, juices, pastries, cakes and everything else? Due to its unique taste, peaches quickly spread to many countries of the world, where they became very popular.

The vitamin C content in them is very high. So, in two fruits it is enough to cover the daily requirement of the body of an average adult.
If you want a beautiful tan, eat peaches! They contain vitamin A, which contributes to smooth tanning of the skin.
One of the reasons for the popularity of canned peaches is that after heat treatment they retain not only taste but also more nutrients than most other fruits.
August has been officially the month of peach for decades in the United States.
Like apricots, peaches are also eaten dried. So, a dried fruit of this kind is called “whispered”, with an emphasis on the last “a”.
The homeland of peaches is South America. Europeans were first introduced to these fruits by Christopher Columbus, who brought these plants from his famous expedition.
A single peach eaten for a long time makes you feel full. Moreover, it is a dietary product – in the average fruit contains only about 440 kcal.

During one of the American astronaut landings on the moon, a peach was eaten on the surface of the Earth’s satellite. Thus, he became the first fruit eaten on the moon.
The basketball game appeared when the players adapted a peach basket onto a tree and started throwing a homemade ball at it.
Peaches are useful for indigestion, as they have a calming effect.
Judging by the latest medical research, eating these fruits in moderation helps prevent hair loss.
In ancient China, only the emperor himself and his entourage enjoyed peaches.
Peach kernels contain toxic hydrocyanic acid.

The leadership in the cultivation of these fruits among all countries of the world is firmly held by China.
In Europe, peaches are also grown very actively. They occupy the third place in the area of ​​plantations among all fruits, second only to apples and pears.
For the first time in Russia they began to grow in the 16th century.
Peaches are not only round, but also flat. It depends on the variety.
Since they have a pronounced moisturizing effect, they are widely used in cosmetology.
All types of these fruits are divided into four main groups – nectarines, brignon, Pavia and, in fact, peaches.
Deprived of the gun nectarines were specially bred by breeders. They grow better in cool climates.

Hungarians call peaches “fruits of tranquility”, since in this country they are believed to help get rid of anxiety and anxiety).
The Russian word “peach” goes back to the original name of this fruit – “Persian apple”. And apricot, for example, is still sometimes called “Armenian apple” in Europe.
In the wild, the usual peaches are not found. They were bred artificially as a result of numerous crosses of cherry plum, apricot, plum, almond and wild peaches.
Apparently, the ancestors of this plant appeared on the territory of modern China, but it is not possible to establish for certain.
The disadvantages of these fruits include the fact that they absorb a lot of pesticides, just like apples.
Peaches are grown in Russia, but mainly in the southern regions. Most of all – in the North Caucasus.