Interesting facts about Elon Musk

The billionaire and inventor Elon Musk is a real dreamer. He is one of the most outstanding progressors of our days, and all his efforts are directed not so much at personal success, as at the development of science, and especially at the practical application of its achievements. It is often criticized, but it must be admitted that if there were more people like him in the world, this planet would have lived much better.

The future inventor and businessman was born in South Africa, but he has Canadian, American and German roots.
When Elon was ten years old, he was presented with the first computer. The young genius quickly mastered programming, and at the age of twelve he wrote his first program – a computer game, which he sold for $ 500.
At school, classmates mocked him mercilessly. Elon was often beaten, and once he even went to the hospital after he was pushed down the stairs.
Since childhood, he discovered an addiction to books.
In his student years with a friend Elon Mask rented a hostel, of which enterprising students staged an underground nightclub. At the same time, Mask was hardly interested in business, having participated in the adventurous business mainly financially. Income from the club allowed students to pay rent.

After moving from South Africa to Canada, the future billionaire faced hard times. He lived on a dollar a day, sleeping home from relatives of his family and eating the cheapest street food.
Elon Musk – one of the richest people in the world. Many of his ambitious projects are sponsored from his personal funds. In 2017, his fortune exceeded $ 21 billion.
In the first marriage he had five children. A curious fact – the inventor does not have a single daughter, only sons.
About a year Elon Mask owned the legendary supercar McLaren F1, but broke it in an accident.
The company Tesla nearly led Mask to bankruptcy. In 2000, he had no money to pay for his housing.
From time to time a billionaire appears in fleeting cameo roles on television screens. So, he appeared in the series “The Big Bang Theory” and in the movie “Machete Kills”.
One day, Elon Musk admitted that he was storing a sleeping bag in a Tesla conference room, because he sometimes sleeps right at work.
Mask prefers to spend all his free time with his children.
He promises to send a man to Mars already in the 20s of this century.

In early 2018, the super-heavy rocket developed by Space X, one of the Mask companies, sent an Tesla electric vehicle into space. Here is such a PR action.
Elon Mask said that humanity will not become a space civilization until it learns to build reusable spacecraft, since of all the transport used on Earth, only rockets are disposable.
Grandpa Elon was a famous adventurer. Moving to South Africa from Canada, he brought with him in a disassembled form his old plane, which he reassembled and on which he had traveled quite a lot. He also died at his helm when he was already 77 years old.
Elon Mask has a phenomenal memory. He easily remembers some absolutely unbelievable amounts of information.
He has three passports – American, Canadian and South African.
Mask has long been firmly included in the hundreds of the most influential people in the world.