Interesting facts about Henry Ford

American entrepreneur Henry Ford was a real innovator. He introduced a lot of fresh ideas into the production process, greatly simplifying it and at the same time making it more efficient. It is not surprising that the industrial empire founded by him still flourishes. At one time he was ahead of his competitors, because he was not afraid of new ideas, unlike his more conservative rivals.

The first house belonging to him Ford designed and built independently.
Being a talented mechanic, he collected from scratch a wristwatch, which he presented to his wife.
Already at the age of 16, Henry Ford began to work for himself for the first time – he repaired a malfunctioning neighbor’s thresher, and he worked for three dollars to work with his neighbors’ fields.
In total for all life Ford patented 161 inventions.

Henry Ford himself believed in reincarnation, and believed that his success in inventing technological innovations was due to the experience of his past lives.
In 1908, Ford assembled his first car. After 18 years, more than 13 million Ford cars were produced, and the company employed about 200 thousand people.
At the factories of Henry Ford, an 8-hour working day was introduced, and wages were about twice as high as in other similar places.
Ford demanded that its employees monitor the moral character – they were forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol and dance “indecent” dances, even in their free time. It got to the point that his employees interrogated the workers’ neighbors – Ford was literally obsessed with the moral character of his employees.
Since in those years car paints were imperfect, only black paint was durable and strong – then the color was directly dependent on the paint composition. It was then that Henry Ford mockingly declared that the buyer can order a car of any color, if that color is black.

Among other inventions of Ford is listed and the conveyor. This allowed him to achieve great productivity of labor, and today the conveyors are used throughout the world.
Specialists who monitor the serviceability of equipment at Ford’s factories received an hourly wage for idleness. They rested in a comfortable room until something happened. As soon as there was a signal about the accident, the salary counter stopped, and the team was sent to fix the problem. As soon as they repaired the damage, the counter began to charge them again.
Henry Ford established himself as an ardent pacifist. When the First World War began, he spent huge amounts of money — a million dollars — on anti-war propaganda by the standards of those years.
Ford has been tied to the Mafia more than once. For example, he hired former mafiosi, and if they were imprisoned, he took care of their families.
Henry Ford was a staunch vegetarian.

Once a car thief wrote a letter to Ford in which he expressed his admiration for his cars and promised to steal only Fords from now on.
He supposed to equip the first cars with electric engines, but not with petrol engines.
Henry Ford never concealed his anti-Semitic views. For social activities in this direction, he received the Grand Cross from Adolf Hitler. The latter even hung a portrait of Ford in his office. At the same time, after the start of the Second World War, Ford’s company had a huge impact on the US defense complex, having contributed a lot to the defeat of Germany.
Among other inventions of Henry Ford are coal briquettes for barbecue and barbecue.
The entrepreneur refused to hire women, making exceptions to this rule very rarely.
During the life of Ford, his condition (including movable and immovable property) was estimated at more than $ 188 billion.